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The Complete Bibliography & Acknowledgements
of the Novel Nihshabdo Pahar
"The Silent Mountain"
Shuvadeep Barua



  1. Afridi, Dr. Q. K. (1998). Literary Heritage of Khyber: Past and Present. Peshawar, Pakistan: University of Peshawar.

  2. Ahmad, Aisha & Boase, Roger. (1st ed. 2003), (Saqi Books, Beirut). Pashtun Tales: From the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier. (2008) Beirut, Lebanon: Saqi Books.

  3. Ahmad, Atif Ahmad. (2006). Structural Interrelations of Theory and Practice in Islamic law: A Study of Six Works of Medieval Islamic Jurisprudence. London, UK: Brill.

  4. Aiyangar, N. (1st ed. 1898), (Caxton Press, Bangalore). Essays on Indo-Aryan Mythology, (vol-I), (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Chicago University Press.

  5. Alam, Muzaffar. & Subrahmanyam, S. (2011). Writing the Mughal World: Studies on Culture and Politics. (2011) USA: Columbia University Press.

  6. Alami, Mohammed Hamdouni. (2011). Art Architecture in Islamic Tradition: Aesthetics, Politics and Desire in Early Islam. (2011) London, UK: I. B. Tauris.

  7. Ali Baksh Padri (1st ed. 1935), (Lahore, Pakistan). Tafsir-Al-Qur’an, (e-Book). Publisher of digital copy is unknown.

  8. Ali, Syed Mujtaba. (Bengali). (1st ed. 1949), (Name of the Publisher of 1st edition is not mentioned). Deshe-Bideshe. (1975) India: Mitra O Ghosh Publishers.

  9. Allworth, Edward A. (1990), The Modern Uzbeks: From the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History. (2012) Stanford, USA: Hoover Institution Press Publication.

  10. Ashby, LeRoy. (2006). With Amusement for All: A History of American Popular Culture since 1830. (2006) USA: The University Press of Kentucky.

  11. Atkinson, L. (1st ed. 1863), (John Murray, London). Recollection of Tartar Steppes and their inhabitants, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Bibliotheca Bodleiana.

  12. Atkinson, T. W. (1st ed. 1860), (Hurst & Blackett, London). Travels in the regions of the Upper and the Lower Amoor. (1971) UK: Gregg International Publishers.

  13. Awde Nicholas. & Sarwan, Asmatullah. (1st ed. 2002), (Hippocrene books, NY). Pashto: Dictionary & Phrasebook. (2002) NY, USA: Hippocrene Books.

  14. Awde, Nicholas & Shahribaf, Camilla. (2006). Farsi Dictionary and Phrasebook. NY, USA: Hippocrene Books.

  15. Backstrom, Peter F. & Radloff, Carla F. (1st ed. 1992), (National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Pakistan). Languages of Northern Areas: Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, (vol-II). (2002) Islamabad, Pakistan: National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University Press.

  16. Bamiyeh, Mohammed A. (1990). The Social Origins of Islam: Mind, Economy, Discourse. (2003) Minneapolis, USA: University of Minnesota Press.

  17. Bandopadhyay, Susmita. (Bengali). (1st ed. 1995), (Dey’s Publishing, Calcutta, India). Kabuliwalar Bangali Bou. (2004) India: Dey’s Publishing.

  18. Banerjee N. R. (1st ed. 1965), (Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, India). The Iron Age in India. (2003) Delhi, India: Munshiram Manoharlal.

  19. Barsky, Yehudit. (2002). Terrorism Briefing: Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine. (2003) USA: American Jewish Committee.

  20. Basham, A. L. (edit). (1st ed. 1975) (Oxford University Press, London). A Cultural History of India. (2009) New Delhi, India: Oxford India Paperbacks.

  21. Bealey, F. & Johnson, Allan G. (1999). The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science: A User’s Guide to Its Terms. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

  22. Bellew, H. W. (1st ed. 1867, London). A Dictionary of Pukhtu or Pushtu Language, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  23. Bellew, H. W. (1st ed. 1891), (The Oriental University, Woking). An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  24. Bergne, P. (1st ed. 1988), (I. B. Tauris & Co. London). The Birth of Tajikistan: National Identity and the origin of the Republic. (1988) London, UK: I. B. Tauris.

  25. Biddle, Wendy E. (2008). Immigrant’s Rights After 9/11. (2008) NY, USA: Chelsea Publishers.

  26. Binder, Leonard. (1st ed. 1963), (University of California, Barkley). Religion and Politics in Pakistan, (e-Book). (2001) USA: Digitized by Google, and archived by Hathi Trust Digital Library (

  27. Bird H. E. (1st ed. 1971), (Name of the publisher is unknown). Chess History and Reminiscences, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  28. Bleeck, A. H. (1st ed. 1865), (Bernard Quaritch, London). A Concise Grammar of the Persian Language, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  29. Bradsher, H S. (1985). Afghanistan and the Soviet Union: New and Expanded Edition.  Durham, North California, (1985) USA: Duke University Press.

  30. Brandis, D. (1st ed. 1874), (WM. H. Allen, SW). Illustrations of the Forest Flora of North-West and Central India, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  31. Bregel, Y. (2006). A Historical Atlas of Central Asia. Boston, UK: Brill.

  32. Brown, Archie. (2009). The Rise and Fall of Communism. USA: HarperCollins.

  33. Brown, B. (1st ed. 1923), (Brentano’s, New York). Wisdom of the Egyptians, (e-Book). (2003) NY, USA: Digitized by Global Grey.

  34. Brown, K. (2nd Ed. 1989), (Elsevier, US). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, (vol-VI). USA: Elsevier.

  35. Brown, Louise. (1st ed. 2009), (HarperCollins, USA). The Dancing Girls of Lahore. (2013) USA: HarperCollins.

  36. Bruzin, J. T. P. de. (1997). Persian Sufi Poetry: An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems. (1997) UK: Curzon Press.

  37. Burckhardt, T. (2008). Art of Islam. (2008) Indiana, USA: World Wisdom Inc.

  38. Burton John. (2008). Indian Islamic Architecture: Forms and Typologies, Sites, and Monuments. (2008) Boston, USA: Brill Books.

  39. Camus, Albert. (1st ed. 1956), (Alfred A. Knopf Inc, NY). The Rebel. (1991) NY, USA: Vintage International.

  40. Capablanca, Jose R. (1st ed. 1921), (Harcourt Base and World, Inc, USA). Chess Fundamentals, (e-Book). (2010) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  41. Caron, James N. (2009). Cultural Histories of Pashtun Nationalism, Public Participation, Social Inequality in Monarchic Afghanistan, 1905-60. (2009) USA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

  42. Cheung, J. (2007). Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb. (2007) USA: Brill.

  43. Chittick, William C. (2001). Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teaching of Afdal Al-Din Kashani. (2001) UK: Oxford University Press.

  44. Clackson, James. (2007). Indo-European Linguistics (An Introduction). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

  45. Clarke, H. & Wake, S. (1st ed. 1877), (J. W. Bouton, New York). Serpent and Siva Worship and Mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia, (e-Book). (2007) USA: digitized by

  46. Collins, J. J. (2011). Understanding War in Afghanistan. Washington, DC, USA: National Defense University Press.

  47. Cooley, John K. (2000). Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism. (2000) London, UK: Pluto Press.

  48. Dani A. H. & Masson V. M. (1992). History of Civilization of Central Asia, the Dawn of Civilization: From the earliest time to 700 BC, (vol-I). USA: UNESCO Publishing.

  49. Darraj, S. M. (2010). The Collapse of The Soviet Union. NY, USA: Chelsea House Books.

  50. Davis, F. Hadland. (1st ed. 1912), (John Murray, London). Wisdom of the East: The Persian Mystics Jalalu’d-din Rumi, (e-Book). USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  51. Decker Kendall D. (1st ed. 1992), (National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Pakistan). Languages of Chitral: Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, (vol-V). (2004) Islamabad, Pakistan: National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University Press.

  52. Dignas, B. & Winter, E. (2007). Rome and Persia at Late Antiquity: Neighbours and Rivals. (2007) UK: Cambridge University Press.

  53. Djan, Noshe. (1st ed. 1986), (Prospect Books, London). Afghan Food and Cookery. (2012) UK: Prospect Books.

  54. Doohovskoy, A. A. (2009). Soviet Counterinsurgency in the Soviet-Afghan War Revisited: Analyzing the Effective aspects of the Counterinsurgency Effort. Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press.

  55. Douie, Sir J. M. (1st ed. 1974), (Delhi, India). The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir, (e-Book). (2008) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg. (

  56. During, J & Mirabdolbaghi, Z. (1991). The Art of Persian Music. (1991) Washington DC, USA: Mage Publisher.

  57. Dutt, Nalinaksha. (1978). Buddhist Sects in India. (1992) Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidas Publishers Private Limited.

  58. Dutt, R. C. (1st ed. 1904), (Longmans, Greens & Co, London). Ancient India: 2000 B.C. to 800 A.D. London, UK: Publisher of digital copy is unknown.

  59. Dwight, H. G. (1st Ed. 1918), (Doubleday, Page, and Co, NY). Persian Miniatures, (e-Book). (2005) USA: Digitized by Google.

  60. Edinow, John & David, Edmonds. (2011). Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets lost the most Extraordinary Chess Match for all Time. (2011) USA: HarperCollins.

  61. Edwards, David B. (2002). Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad. (2002) Los Angeles, USA: University of California Press.

  62. Elliot, Sir H. M. & Dowson, J. (1st ed. 1875), (Trubner & Co. London). History of India, As Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period, (vol-VI). (2007) NY, USA: Reprinted by Bibliobazar.

  63. Elliot, Sir H. M. & Dowson, J. (1st ed. 1877), (Trubner & Co. London). History of India, As Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period, (vol-VII). (2007) NY, USA: Reprinted by Bibliobazar.

  64. Elliot, Sir H. M. & Dowson, J. (1st ed. 1877), (Trubner & Co. London). History of India, As Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period, (vol-VIII). (2007) NY, USA: Reprinted by Bibliobazar.

  65. Elliot, Sir H. M. (1st ed. 1877), (Trubner & Co. London). History of India, As Told by Its Own Historians. The Muhammadan Period, (vol-I), (e-Book). (2007) NY, USA: Digitized by Google.

  66. Encyclopedia Britannica. (2009). Encyclopedia Britannica 2009 Deluxe Edition. 2009 India: Britannica Publication.

  67. Encyclopedia Iranica Online. (Accessed 2005).

  68. Enriquez, C. M. (1st ed. 1921), (Thacker, Spink & Co. Calcutta). The Pathan Borderland, (e-Book). (2003) USA: digitized by Google.

  69. Ewans, Martin. (1st ed. 2001), (Curzon Press, London). Afghanistan: A Short History of Its People and Politics. (1st Perennial Ed. 2002) NY, USA: Harper Perennial.

  70. Faghfoory, Muhhamad H. (trans). (2003). Kernel of the Kernel: A Shi`i Approach to Sufism: From the Teaching of Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani. (2003) USA: New York State University Press.

  71. Falkener, E. (1st ed. 1892), (Longmans, Green & Company, London). Games Ancient and Oriental, and How to play them, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  72. Forbes, A. (1st ed. 1892), (Seeley & Co. Ltd, Strand). The Afghan Wars: 1839-42 and 1878-80, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  73.  Foubister, Linda. (2011). Goddess in the Grass: Serpentine Mythology and the Great Goddess. (2011) USA: Spirrea Publishing.

  74. Freedman, Estelle B. (2006). Feminism, Sexuality, and Politics. (2006) North Carolina, USA: Copperline Book Services.

  75. Friedrich, P. (1970). Proto Indo-European Trees: The Arboreal System of a Prehistoric People. Chicago (1970) USA: Chicago University Press.

  76. Gallopin, Gary G. (1994). Beyond Perestroika: Axiology and the New Russian Entrepreneur. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi B. V.

  77. Gardner, Athena. (2000). Witchcraft Dictionary of Craft Terms. (2001) Sedona, USA: Star Rising Publishers.

  78. General Staff Army HQ, India. (1st ed. 1910), (Superintendent Government Printing, India). A Dictionary of Pathan Tribes on the North-West Frontier of India (1910), (e-Book). (2005) Nebraska, USA: Digitized by University of Nebraska-Omaha.

  79. Golitsyn, Anatoliy. (1995). The Perestroika Deception, (e-Book). Moscow, Russia: Name of the Publisher of the Digital Copy is unknown.

  80. Grau, Lester W. & Gress M. A. (2002). The Soviet Afghan War: How a Superpower Fought and Lost. Lawrence, Kansas, USA: University Press of Kansas.

  81. Grau, Lester W. (1998). The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan. (1998) NY, USA: Frank Cass Publishers.

  82. Griffin, Michael. (1st ed. 2001), (Pluto Press, USA). Reaping the Whirlwind: Afghanistan, Al Qaida and the Holy War. (2003) Virginia, USA: Pluto Press.

  83. Grose, F. (1st ed. 1811), (Publisher of the 1st edition is not mentioned). 1811 Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue. (2003) USA: Dodo Press.

  84. Gubernatis, Angelo de. (1st ed. 1872), (Trubner & Co, London). Zoological Mythology or the Legend of Animals. (Vol-I) of I & II, (e-Book). (2012) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  85. Guillaume, Alfred. (1954). Islam. London (1998) UK: Penguin Books.

  86. Haim, S. (1st Ed. 1952), (Publisher is not Mentioned). Persian-English Dictionary. (1996) NY, USA: Hippocrene Books.

  87. Hakim abu-Abdullah Moinuddin al-Chishtiyya (1991). The Book of Sufi Healing. (1991) Vermont, USA: Inner Traditions International.

  88. Hampson, N. (1999). Twentieth Century: The History of the World. Bristol (1999) UK: University of Bristol Press.

  89. Hamraaz, A. W. & Danish, M. H. (2010), Linguist Dictionary English to Pashto: Commonly used Military Terms and Acronyms. (2010) Virginia, USA: Torres Publishing Enterprises.

  90. Hanley, Barbara. (1st ed. 1970), (Da Pohane Waziriyat, Ministry of Education, Afghanistan). English Pashto Dictionary, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by US department of Education.

  91. Hasan, S. Nurul. (2005). Religion, State, and Society in Medieval India. Edited and Introduced by Satish Chandra. (2005) New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.

  92. Havell, E. B. (1st ed. 1904), (Publisher’s Name is not mentioned in e-Book). A Handbook to Agra and the Taj, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  93. Heper, M. & Criss, N. B. (1st ed. 1994, London). The Historical Dictionary of Turkey. (2009) Lanham, Maryland, USA: The Scarecrow Press Inc.

  94. Hogg, Ian V. (1st ed. 1985), (Chartwell Books Inc, NJ). Illustrated History of Ammunition: Military and Civil Ammunition from the beginnings to the Present Day. (2005) NJ, USA: Quarto Books.

  95. Holt, Frank L. (2005). Into the land of Bones: Alexander the Great in Afghanistan. Berkley, (2005) USA: University of California Press.

  96. Holt, P. M. (edit). (1970). The Cambridge History of Islam. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

  97. Holt, R. T. & Turner J. E. (1962). Soviet Union: Paradox and Change. (1998) USA: Rinehart and Winston.

  98. Hopkins, Washburn. (1st ed. 1915), (Verlag Von Karl J. Trubner, Strasburg, Germany). Epic Mythology, (e-Book).  (2008) USA: digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  99. Hughes, Thomas P. (1st ed. 1885), (Scribner, Welford & Co, NY) A Dictionary of Islam. (1965) USA: Reference Book Publishers.

  100. Hunter, W. W. (1st ed. 1868), (Trubner & Co. London). A Comparative Dictionary of the languages of India and High Asia, (e-Book). (2002) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  101. Husayn, Ibn Mahmud. (trans) (2002). The Giant Man: A Biography of Mullah Omar by Saif Ul-Haq. (2002) Pakistan: Publisher name is not mentioned.

  102. Jackson, A. V. Williams. (edit). (1st ed. 1906), (Grolier Society, London).  Medieval India from the Mohammedan Conquest to the Reign of Akbar the Great by Stanley Lane-Pool, vol-III of the Nine Volumes of History of India, (e-Book). (2007) USA: Digitized by

  103. Jaffur, Shurreef. & Crooke, William. (1st ed. 1832), (Parbury, Allen & Co, London). Islam in India. (1988), Delhi, India: Atlantic Publisher.

  104. Jafri, S. Husain M. (1st ed. 1975), (Longmans, London). Origin and Early Development of Shi’a Islam, (e-Book). Publisher of digital copy is unknown.

  105.  Joppke, Christopher. (1999). Immigration and the Nation-State: The United States, Germany, and Great Britain. (2000) UK: Oxford University Press.

  106. Kakar, H. (1995). Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and Afghan Response, 1975-1982. (2002) Berkley, California, USA: University of California Press.

  107. Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. (2008). Shari`ah law: An Introduction. London (2009) UK: Oneworld Publications.

  108. Kaye, J. W. (1st ed. 1851), (London). The War in Afghanistan (vol. I & II), (e-Book). USA: Digitized by University of Michigan Libraries.

  109. Keeran, Roger & Kenny, Thomas. (2010). Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of Soviet Union. (2010) NY, USA: i-Universe Inc.

  110. Kenez, Peter. (1st ed. 1999), (Cambridge University Press, London). A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End. (2006) UK: Cambridge University Press.

  111. Kennedy, J. F. (1st Ed. 1964), (Harper & Row, USA). A Nation of Immigrants. (2008) USA: Harper Perennial.

  112. Khalil, Dr. Hanif. (1998). Pashtoon Culture in Pashto Tappa. Islamabad, Pakistan: National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research, Quaid-i-Azam University Press.

  113. Khanam, F. (1st ed. 2006), (Godword Books, Delhi). Sufism: An Introduction. (2007) New Delhi, India: Godword Books.

  114. Kiepert, H. (1st ed. 1881), (McMillan and Co. London). A Manual of Ancient Geography, (e-Book). Colonel University (2005) USA: digitized by

  115. Knowles, J. Hinton. (2nd ed. 1893), (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, & Co, London). Folk-Tales of Kashmir. (2004) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  116. Knwoles, J. Hinton. (1st ed. 1885), (Thacker, Spink & Co. Bombay). A Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs and Saying, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Google.

  117. Koshambi, D. D. (1st ed. 1962), (Publisher unknown). Myth and Reality, (e-Book). India: Publisher of digital copy is unknown.

  118. Koul, Omkar N. (1st ed. 1992), (Indian Institute of language Study, Delhi, India). A Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs. (1992) Delhi, India: Indian Institute of language Study.

  119. Koul, Omkar N. (2000). Kashmiri Language, Linguistics, and Culture: An annotated Bibliography. (2000) Mysore, India: Central Institute of Foreign Languages.

  120. Kuiper, K (edit). (2010). Islamic Art, Literature, and Culture. (2010) NY, USA: Britannica Educational Publishing.

  121. Kurian, G. Thomas (edit). (2001). Encyclopedia of World’s nations and Cultures. (2007) NY, USA: InfoBase Publishing.

  122. La Motte, Ellen N. (1st Ed. 1920), (MacMillan Co, NY). The Opium Monopoly, (e-Book). (2010) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  123. Lane, George. (2003). Early Mongol Rules in Thirteen-Century Iran: A Persian Renaissance. (2003) London, UK. Routledge.

  124. Laskar, Edward. (1st ed. 1982), (Charles Franks, London). Chess Strategy, (e-Book). (2012) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  125. Law, B.C. (1st ed. 1926), (Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi). Ancient Indian Tribes. Delhi (1998) India: Motilal Banarsidas Private Limited.

  126. Lee, Stefen J. (1999). Stalin and the Soviet Union. (1999) London, UK: Routledge.

  127. Lehman, Winfred P. (1st ed. 1952), (Texas, USA). Proto-Indo-European Phonology. Texas (2001) USA: University of Texas Press.

  128. Leitner, G. W. (1st ed. 1880), (Albert Press, Lahore). The Bashgeli kafirs and their languages, (e-Book). India: Journal of United Service Institution of India. (2003) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  129. Leitner, G. W. (1st ed. 1881), (Indian Public Opinion Press, Lahore). The Languages and Races of Dardistan: A Comparative Vocabulary and Grammar of the Dardic languages, (e-Book). Publisher of Digitized copy is not mentioned.

  130. Lenorment F. & Chevallier E. (1st ed.1893), (J. B. Lippincott and Co, Philadelphia). A Manual of the Ancient History of the East: To the Commencement of the Median Wars (vol. I), (e-Book). (2003) Philadelphia, USA: Digitized by Google.

  131. Lentin, R. (edit). (2008). Thinking Palestine. (2008) NY, USA: Zed Books.

  132. Levi, Scott C. & Sela, Ron. (2010). Islamic Central Asia: An Anthology of Historical Sources. (2013) Indianapolis, USA: Indiana University Press.

  133. Lyon, D. G. & Moore, G. F. (1st ed. 1912), (The MacMillan Co, New York). Studies in the Histories and Religions, (e-Book). (2008) USA: digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  134. MacDonnell A. A. & Keith A. B. (1st ed. 1912), (John Murray, London). Vedic Index of names and Subjects, 2 Volumes, (e-Book). (2003)  USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  135. MacDonnell A. A. (1st ed. 1897), (Verlag Von Karl, Trubner, StrassBurg). Vedic Mythology. (bi-lingual, Deutsche–English), (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  136. MacDonogh, G. (2007). After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation. (2007) NY, USA: Basic Books.

  137. Mackenzie, D. N. (1st ed. 1971), (Oxford University Press, UK). A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary. (1986) London, UK: Oxford University Press.

  138. Macmunn, Lt. Gen. Sir George. (1st ed. 1929), (G. Bell & Sons, Ltd, Edinburgh). Afghanistan: From Darius to Amanullah, (e-Book). (2005) USA: Digitized by Google.

  139. Maggi, W. (1st ed. 2001), (University of Michigan, USA). Our Women are Free: Gender and Ethnicity of Hindukush. (2004) Michigan, USA: Michigan University Press.

  140. Majumdar, R. C. (1990). The History and Culture of Indian People: Mughal Empire, (Vol-VII). (1990) Mumbai, India: Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan.

  141. Majumdar, R. C. (1st ed. 1952), (Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi, India). Ancient India. (2003) Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidas Private Limited.

  142.  Malcolm, Sir John. (1st ed. 1806), (John Murray, London). The History of Persia: From the Most Early Period to the Present time, (2 Volumes set). London, (2004) UK: Cambridge University Press.

  143. Malik, I. (2005). Culture and Customs of Pakistan. (2005) UK: Greenwood Publishers.

  144. Malleson, G. B. (1st ed. 1885), (George Routledge & Sons, London). The Russo-Afghan Questions and the Invasion of India, (e-Book). (2005) USA: Digitized by Google.

  145. Manalai, N. (2010).  A Selection of Modern Pashto Poetry. Delhi, India: BBC Pashto.

  146. Margulies, S. & Mosenfelder, D. (1st ed. 1966), (Learning International, Inc, USA), Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess: by Bobby Fischer, the International Grandmaster. (1972) Stanford, USA: Bantam Books Special Edition.

  147. Marsden, Peter. (2009). Afghanistan: Aid, Armies & Empires. London, UK: I B Tauris.

  148. Marsham, A. (2009). Rituals of Islamic Monarchy: Accession and Succession in the First Muslim Empire. (2009) Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.

  149. Masood-Ul-Hasan, Syed. (1st ed. 1978), (Darussalam Publishers, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). 110 Hadith Qudsi, (e-Book). (2005) UAE: Digitized by

  150. Massica, Collin P. (1991). The Indo-Aryan languages. Cambridge (1991) UK: Cambridge University Press.

  151. McNair, B. (1991). Glasnost Perestroika and the Soviet Media. (2001) London, UK: Routledge.

  152. Misra, S. S. (1st ed. 1992), (Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, India). The Aryan problem, a linguistic approach. ---, The date of the Rig-Veda and the Aryan migration: fresh linguistic evidence. (1999) Pune, India: University of Pune.

  153. Mitrokhin, Vasili & Andrew, Christopher. (Year of 1st edition is not mentioned). The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, (e-Book). Publisher of the Digital Copy is unknown.

  154. Modi, J. J. (1st ed. 1927, Bombay). The Asiatic Papers: Part III, (e-Book). Mumbai, India: The British India Press. (2005) USA: Digitized by Google.

  155. Mohan lal. (1st ed. 1846, London), (Special ed. 2012, London). Life of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul: with his political proceedings towards the English, Russian, and Persian Governments, including the Victory and Disasters of the British Army in Afghanistan (vol. I & II). Cambridge, (2012), UK: Cambridge University Press.

  156. Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1899), (1st ed. Clarendon Press, London). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, (e-Book). (2002), USA: Digitized by Google.

  157. Morgenstierne, George. (1st ed. 1927), (Skrifter Utgitt av det Norske Vedenskaps Akademi I Oslo, Norway). An Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto, (e-Book). (2005) USA: Digitized by Microsoft Corporation.

  158. Mozaffarian, V. (1966). A Dictionary of Iranian Plant Names. (2004) Tehran, Iran: Farhang Moa’ser Publication.

  159. Muller, F. Max. (1st ed. 1859), (Williams and Norgate, London). A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, (e-Book). (2003) USA: Digitized by Google.

  160. Muller, F. Max. (1st revised ed. 1900), (Trubner & Co, London). Sacred Books of the East, (e-Book). (2004) USA: Digitized by Project Gutenberg.

  161. Murphey, R. (1999). Ottoman Warfare: 1500-1700. Birmingham, UK: UCL Press.

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  163. Naim, C. M. (1st ed. 1975), (University of Chicago, USA). Introductory Urdu, (vol-I & II). Chicago (1999) USA: University of Chicago Press.

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I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Richard F. Strand (former Professor of Anthropological Linguistics Study, Colonel University, USA) and Dr. Michael Witzel (Professor of Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University, USA), whose various researches on languages and Socio-Religious characteristics of ancient inhabitants of Hindukush Mountain, the history of Dardic People, and related Indo-European Language Studies, had always kept an open door to me as vast resource of knowledge. I am extremely obliged to their silent guidance by their published books, research and document papers, and websites.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Prof. Gautam Bhadra (National Professor of India, Former Professor of Department of History, University of Calcutta, India), whose published books and papers on History of Mughal-India helped me to conceptualize critical historical aspects of that period.

I would also like to express my deep gratitude to my respected teacher Dr. Abhijit Mukherjee (Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, and School of Foreign language, Jadavpur University, India) for his warm and enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this work.



Special Thanks to:

Abad Hasan (Afghanistan, USA), Abdullahdi Haydaran (Afghanistan, USA), Abi Mehandi (Afghanistan, USA), Amna Jalalabadi (Afghanistan), Babak Fakeamzedah (Iran, USA), Ehsan-Ullah Faizi (Afghanistan, USA), Hadiya Ayub (Afghanistan, USA), Irina Dvoretskaya (Russia), Javed Bashir (Afghanistan), Maham Khan (Pakistan), Mariyam Kargar (Afghanistan, USA), Dr. Miah Rashiduzzman (BanglaDesh), Mirza Ahmad Hasan Kohistani (Afghanistan), Mohammad Edris Karimi (Afghanistan), Mohebullah Barakzai (Afghanistan), Nadir Md. Ahmadzai (Afghanistan), Nargis Bannu Afghani (Afghanistan), Nikky Kachatryan (Russia, UK), Pir Raham Gir (Pakistan), Princess Homairah (Afghanistan), Qadir Panah (Afghanistan), Sadaf Jan (Afghanistan), Said Asif Imtiyaz (Pakistan, USA), Sardar Mujtaba Roshan (Afghanistan), Sayyid Ismachi Ali Ashque (Tajikistan), Seeta Pamir (Tajikistan, UK), Shamshad Mohmand (Afghanistan), Sonia Khan (Pakistan), Vladimir Trifonov (Russia), Zabiullah Haidary (Afghanistan, USA) Zahira Tanha Zahira (Afghanistan, USA), Zainab Ahmadzai (Pakistan).

My very special thanks to:-

Afghana Music Private Limited, Afghanistan. Al-Zazeera News, South and Central Asia, ( American Broadcasting Company, USA. American Hellenic Institute, USA, ( Amtrak, National Railway Passenger Corporation, USA. AnandaBazar Patrika, India, ( Aqua, USA. Ariana Music, Afghanistan. Baudin Bakery, USA. BBC Pashto, Pakistan & Afghanistan. British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC News, UK. British Chess Magazine, UK. British Council Library, Kolkata, India. CBS Broadcasting, Inc, USA. CNN, USA. Coca-Cola Inc, USA. Der Spiegel, Germany, ( Edinburgh Chess Cub, Edinburgh, Scotland. Embassy of United States Kabul, Afghanistan. Facebook, Inc, USA, ( Fédération Internationale des échecs (World Chess Federation), Greece. General Electric Company, USA. Google Inc, USA, ( Greek Corner Restaurant, NY, USA. Hard Rock Cafe, NY, USA. Harvard University, USA. Hashoo Group (Hotel), Pakistan. Hotel Chanakyapuri, India. Hotel Noorjahan, Kandahar, Afghanistan. Hubbly Bubbly Hookah Lounge, AZ, USA. Indian Railways, India. International Society for Krishna Consciousness, USA. Iqbal Academy, Lahore, Pakistan. J A B Stuart School, USA. Jadavpur University, India, ( Jammu & Kashmir Tourism Development Corporation, India. ( Kabul University, Afghanistan, ( L’Oreal S.A. Land Rover, UK. Leopold Café, Mumbai, India. Levi Strauss & Co, USA. M&M’s, USA. Macy Mall, USA. Marshal Chess Club, NY, USA. Mercedes-Benz, USA. Ministry of Information and Culture, Afghanistan, ( Ministry of Tourism, Pakistan. Mr. Viswnathan Anand. Mrs. Nazia Hasan, USA. MTV NY, USA. National Broadcasting Company, USA. National Geographic Society, National Geographic Channel, USA. National Highway Authority, Pakistan. New Yorker, USA. Nirvana, USA. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, USA. Open Magazine ( Pelican, Switzerland. Philip Morris International, USA. Pima Elementary School, AZ, USA. Playboy Enterprises, USA. Pravda, Russia. ( Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Radio Kabul, Afghanistan. Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, India. RCA Corporation, USA. Renault SA, France. Revolutionary Association of Woman of Afghanistan, ( Royal Enfield, India. Samaa TV, Pakistan. Saregama India Limited, India. Scribd Inc, USA, ( Sensei’s Library, Japan, ( Serena Hotel Groups, (Asia), Afghanistan. Sony Corporation, Japan. The Guardian, UK. The Huffington Post, UK. The Kabul Times, Afghanistan. The New York Times, USA. The Telegraph, India, ( The Times of India, India. Time Incorporated, USA. Tolo TV, Afghanistan. Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan. Twitter, Inc, USA, (, UN News Centre, United Nations. University of Calcutta, India, ( University of California, Barkley, USA. University of Chicago, USA. University of Peshawar, Pakistan. University of Tehran, Iran, ( Volkswagen, Germany. (Wikimedia Foundation), USA.


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