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Your server must enable Range requests.This is easy to check for by seeing if your server's response includes the Accept-Ranges in its header.Most HTML5 browsers enable seeking to new file positions during a download, so the server must allow the new Range to be requested.
The point at which jPlayer begins downloading the media is complicated by changes in the by changes in the W3C HTML5 media spec for the media.load() method and the media.src property.In order for older HTML5 browsers to work with jPlayer, the media.load() command is still used, where really it should be removed as it is no longer required.
The jPlayer constructor option jPlayer({preload}) is used to control when jPlayer begins downloading new media.Some browsers will begin the download for the whole media when the preload option is \"metadata\". Others will require that \"auto\" is used.The only way to ensure download does not begin automatically is to use the preload option \"none\".Remember that, the media may not download as it depends on the browser you are using.Mobile browser such as Mobile Safari on iOS 4.2 require a gesture before any media is downloaded or played. ie., The user must press a button to initiate the load or play operations the 1st time.
Any media playing when the command is issued will be paused.The the download may not be cancelled as it depends on whether the browser follows the recent W3C HTML media spec.In practice, except for the first time setMedia is used in the ready event, the setMedia command is followed by a play command which stops the old download.The exception is with the media player, where the old media of different type (audio or video), will continue downloading.Otherwise the iPhone's built in video player hangs when the src is cleared to cancel the download.
This method is used to clear the media and stop playback. If a media file is downloading at the time, the download will be cancelled.After this command is issued, playback commands such as jPlayer(\"play\") will be ignored and raise error events until after new media has been specified using the jPlayer(\"setMedia\",media) method.
Without the time parameter, new media that has not been loaded or played will ignore this command.This avoids downloading the new media when the redundant command is given.Open media will pause if it was playing, otherwise there will be no effect.
The optional time paramater will move the play-head position to the time given in seconds and if necessary, the file will begin downloading.jPlayer(\"pause\", 0) is the same as jPlayer(\"stop\").New media will ignore the jPlayer(\"pause\", 0) commmand until after the media has started loading.This avoids downloading the new media when the redundant command is given.
The HTML and CSS/Artwork varies from skin to skin.The CSS/Artwork is a designed to work with all of that skin's HTML structures.You should get the HTML structure from the demo ZIP, available on the download page.The PSD files are also available for each skin. 59ce067264
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