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View the complete story on our Web site.Tina and David Bellet Teaching Excellence Award Nominations Requested by December 15thDo you remember an outstanding teacher One who helped you learn to read Or write with style and brilliance Or master higher math Then honor him or her with a nomination for the 2011 Tina and David Bellet Teaching Excellence Award!Eligibility: Any current faculty member who has taught full-time at Horace Mann for the past five years may be nominated for this award. Division Heads and Holders of Endowed Chairs are ineligible, as are last year's candidates. Candidates from prior years are eligible. Nominators may be current faculty, department chairs, alumni or parents whose youngest child has graduated from the division in which the nominated teacher works. Parents may not nominate a teacher with whom their child has a current educational relationship, including coaches, club advisors and tutors. For a Nomination Form or to nominate a teacher directly, please contact Barbara Tischler at Barbara_Tischler@horacemann.org by December 15, 2010.FAD Magazine looking to connect with AlumniHorace Mann's FAD Magazine invites you to SAVE THE DATE of Friday, February 4 for a Fundraiser Gala in the HM cafeteria from 7:00 to 9:15 pm. The event will feature a panel discussion, a raffle/silent auction, and a student-produced fashion show. Proceeds will help offset the costly printing of FAD magazine and a portion will be donated to support the art program of the Northside Center for Child Development ( )We also want you to GET INVOLVED! To maximize profits, we are looking for those in the HM community from the fashion/art/design fields to donate items for the silent auction. In addition, we would appreciate donations of desserts and soft beverage elements for the evening. Finally, the topic of the panel will be \"Is Fashion Art\" and we would love to have an HM alum from the industry (either the creative or business side) participate as a speaker! Everyone is welcome. Please contact fad@horacemann.org if you would like to attend or are interested in participating.Save the Date: Alumni Council Winter Celebration is January 27thThe Horace Mann School Alumni Council is hosting their annual Winter Celebration on Thursday, January 27th. More details and a formal invitation to follow, but mark your calendars now for a evening of friends, fun and HM camaraderie!Alumni Volunteer OpportunitiesHorace Mann alumni have opportunities to become active with their School and its students in many ways. Last year alumni took part in life on campus as speakers and participants in such dynamic programs as HM's annual Book Day and Women's Issues Dinner, as volunteers at the School's Service Learning Day, as exhibitors in an alumni photography show, and in alumni athletic events and Theater Department productions. 153554b96e
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